lunes, mayo 25, 2015


Indira gandhi was born in allahabad, on november of 1917. She died in Nueva Delhi, on 31 october of 1984. she was indian. She was the first minister of india. Her father was Jawaherlal Nehru, first president of the independent India, she studied  in the universities of Visva-Bharat and Oxford. She joined in the congress party and she participated in the movement for india independence with Gandhi, she was president of the party and fist minister. She tried to end with the terrorism Sikh but she ended dead.Resultado de imagen de indira gandhi

lunes, mayo 04, 2015

francoise barre- sinoussi

francois barre sinousi est nee a paris le 30 juillet, 1947. elle est francaise, C' est une scientifique. elle a un prix nobel de medicine pour la decouverte de VHI. Elle a etudie a l'universite de paris, puis aux Etats- Unis.
Elle a travaille avec Luc Montagnier es Ils ont découvert que le virus VIH cause le SIDA, une nouvelle maladie, qui s'etend dans le monde entier. Elle a participe a des programmes collectifs sur la recherche du vaccin con VIH.