lunes, diciembre 15, 2014
living with a disability
Living with a disability
My name is Angela and I'm in a wheelchair since
I had the car accident.Everything has changed for me,
I see the things bigger than before.Now,that
I can't move my legs I would give
anything to have them back.
But everything isn't so bad,I can do all that
normal people can do,such as running,swimming,walking.
Life is different for me sometimes.
For example,I have to
learn again how to walk with prosthetic leg.
I need help with one or two things,such as
getting up from bed and down the stairs.
There are some things which annoy me.
Sometimes kids say stupid things about
my wheelchair and my legs. But i am a
happy girl.
I had the car accident.Everything has changed for me,
I see the things bigger than before.Now,that
I can't move my legs I would give
anything to have them back.
But everything isn't so bad,I can do all that
normal people can do,such as running,swimming,walking.
Life is different for me sometimes.
For example,I have to
learn again how to walk with prosthetic leg.
I need help with one or two things,such as
getting up from bed and down the stairs.
There are some things which annoy me.
Sometimes kids say stupid things about
my wheelchair and my legs. But i am a
happy girl.
Malala is a Pakistani teenager who decided to fight for her rights in her country (specially for her rights related to her education). She just wanted to receive a higher education. But, the Taliban shot her when she fought for it. Now, she's going to a high school in Britain and she survived!
miércoles, noviembre 26, 2014
domingo, junio 22, 2014
Invented: 1880
Inventor: Joseph Swan
Cheap and reliable electric lighting was a holy grail for 19th-century inventors. But didn’t Thomas Edison get there first? No! He was beaten by to it by Britain’s very own Joseph Swan. Swan got his patent - and started manufacturing and selling his bulbs - in 1880. The first bulbs lasted little more than 12 hours but, unlike gas lamps, there was no flame or dirty smoke and they soon caught on
Invented: 1818
Inventor: George William Manby
The first modern extinguisher, the Extincteur, was invented after Manby saw firemen struggling to put out a blaze on the top floors of a house fire in Edinburgh. His solution was a portable copper cask containing three to four gallons of potassium carbonate, which dispersed by compressed air via a stopcock.
Invented: 1880
Inventor: Joseph Swan
Cheap and reliable electric lighting was a holy grail for 19th-century inventors. But didn’t Thomas Edison get there first? No! He was beaten by to it by Britain’s very own Joseph Swan. Swan got his patent - and started manufacturing and selling his bulbs - in 1880. The first bulbs lasted little more than 12 hours but, unlike gas lamps, there was no flame or dirty smoke and they soon caught on
Invented: 1818
Inventor: George William Manby
The first modern extinguisher, the Extincteur, was invented after Manby saw firemen struggling to put out a blaze on the top floors of a house fire in Edinburgh. His solution was a portable copper cask containing three to four gallons of potassium carbonate, which dispersed by compressed air via a stopcock.
Nobody has any
right to make us a slave. We cannot make anyone our slave.
Thats so true but
not all the states make that, in Africa there are a lot of slaves,
also kids are slaves for serve the rich people there. This is a Human
Right yes, but they don't make it and they know that they are doing
it wrong. We haven't the right to buy an human because we are all the
same and we have the same rights and the country, the color of our
skin, our sex this doesn't matter, we are the same in front of the
Everyone has the
right to be protected by the law.
Thet say that the
law is equal for everyone but thats no true. In some countires the
law only protect the rich people also they don't follow the law, also
politicians are out of the law.
The rest of the
people must follow the law and if they don't they would be in danger.
And also the law
must help us and it doesn't matter who are you, where you come from,
if you are a woman or a man...
We can all ask
for the law to help us when we are not treated fairly.
Some people are
discriminated and they can't ask for the law because the law don't
like them , and this is not fair. Sometimes in the judges women are
not treated equally or even foreign people. And this is so bad
because if we are foreign in other countires and we need to ask for
the law we want that the law help an protect us , so let's do the
same with foreigh people in Spain!
miércoles, junio 11, 2014
Droits de l´home
ARTICLE 3: Tout individu a droit á la vie, á la liberté et á la sûrete de la personne.
Cet aticle signifie que tout le monde a la droit de vivre librement et avec la sécurité d´être protéges contre tout danger. Par example, si cet article avait été respecté en afrique, les filles ne seraient pas dans la situation dans la quelle ils sont.
ARTICLE 1: Toute personne est libre et nous devons être tpus traités de la même manieré.
Cet article signifie que tout le monde a le droit d´être traités de maniére égale, indépendamment de la religion, de la race ou du sexe.
Cet aticle signifie que tout le monde a la droit de vivre librement et avec la sécurité d´être protéges contre tout danger. Par example, si cet article avait été respecté en afrique, les filles ne seraient pas dans la situation dans la quelle ils sont.
ARTICLE 1: Toute personne est libre et nous devons être tpus traités de la même manieré.
Cet article signifie que tout le monde a le droit d´être traités de maniére égale, indépendamment de la religion, de la race ou du sexe.
jueves, mayo 15, 2014
The women in the middle ages.
La mujer ha sido esclava del canon de belleza a lo largo de la historia. Esta investigación quiere analizar la evolución del canon de belleza y como ha condicionado la vida de las mujeres desde la Edad Media.
La mujer mediaval muestra blancura en la piel, cabello rubio y largo, aunque suele estar recogido, rostro ovalado, ojos pequeños y vivos, nariz, pómulos y labios rosados y torso delgado de complexión: caderas estrechas, senos pequeños y firmes y manos blancas y delgadas. La blancura de la piel es un símbolo muy importante ya que representa la pureza de la mujer.
El ideal de belleza es como en el Mundo Griego: cuerpos muy simétricos, mujeres robustas y sin sensualidad, ojos grandes y almendrados,nariz afilada, boca y orejas de tamaño medio y las mejillas y el mentón ovalados.
En esta época destaca el abuso de perfumes, carmines, lunares postizos y peinados ahuecados.
El ideal de belleza femenino se clasificaría como artificial, curpos más rellenitos, caderas anchas y cinturas estrechas, hombros estrechos y brazos redondeados y carnosos. La piel sigue siendo muy blanca.
Nace en Reino Unido y Alemania. Se opone al clasicismo, la prioridad eran los sentimientos. La belleza se experimenta directamente, no era una belleza estética y armónica, sino cambiante. "Bello puede ser todo lo feo".
En los comienzos del siglo XX se forma el ideal de la chica Gibson, un personaje de caricatura, con estas características: pecho erguido, cadera ancha, nalgas sobresalientes. Luego nació la chica "S", con falda ajustada y peinados altos; en esta época la mujer empezaba a luchar por las desigualdades entre los hombres y las mujeres.
Tras la I Guerra Mundial, llega la mujer de cabello corto con silueta aplanada y se empieza a poner de moda el bronceado.
La mujer de los años 20 queda desfasada y vuelve lo sensual, lo femenino, el pelo rubio platino, la tez pálida, las cejas depiladas y los labios rojos.
Chicas con cabello dorado, cintura estrecha, caderas e imponente busto. Se consolida el reinado de las Pin-Ups.
Mujer rotunda y con curvas es el gran ideal de la década, las chicas buscan tener un busto explosivo, caderas redondeadas y piernas más largas.
El ideal de mujer vuelve al de los años veiente, cuerpo delgado, piernas largas, pelo corto, ojos con pestañas postizas y delineador se imponen, llega la minifalda.
Década marcada por el culto al cuerpo, las mujeres se cardan el pelo y el bronceado se impone.
Época de los excesos y la excentricidad. La moda se caracteriza por hombros XXL con hombreras, tacones altos y cintura delgada.
Mujeres atléticas con cuerpos delgados, pero no demasiado.
La belleza se convierte en un símbolo de delgadez, a menudo insana. Se hace un culto al bisturí, pero también hay otra tendencia, la de la mujer con curvas.
The women in the middle ages were inferior to men, they depended on their role and status. They were subservient to men in family. In terms of daily effort and responsabilities they were ecual to men. Most of the women didn't stay at home, they worked in fields, or workshops, run larges states and defended castles. The noble lady had an important part in running the states of her husband, she defense of the state while his absence.
The peasant women had an important role in her household, she worked hard to support her family, kept the house, cooked, washed, made clothes, milked, cared for children, sold cheese and butter, ale.
The entertainment was according to status, feats, banquets, fairs, games, sports and hunting dancing festivals. The famous woman composer in the middle ages was Hildegard of Brigen.
The catholic church was the main church in Europe during the middle ages. The church leaders were bishops, archbishops, parishes/diocese. The tought latin and the Bible.
The Inquisition wath over the purity of religious principles. The medicine in the middle ages only a few women could practice medicine in converts. The men couldn't examine a women.
La mujer ha sido esclava del canon de belleza a lo largo de la historia. Esta investigación quiere analizar la evolución del canon de belleza y como ha condicionado la vida de las mujeres desde la Edad Media.
La mujer mediaval muestra blancura en la piel, cabello rubio y largo, aunque suele estar recogido, rostro ovalado, ojos pequeños y vivos, nariz, pómulos y labios rosados y torso delgado de complexión: caderas estrechas, senos pequeños y firmes y manos blancas y delgadas. La blancura de la piel es un símbolo muy importante ya que representa la pureza de la mujer.
El ideal de belleza es como en el Mundo Griego: cuerpos muy simétricos, mujeres robustas y sin sensualidad, ojos grandes y almendrados,nariz afilada, boca y orejas de tamaño medio y las mejillas y el mentón ovalados.
En esta época destaca el abuso de perfumes, carmines, lunares postizos y peinados ahuecados.
El ideal de belleza femenino se clasificaría como artificial, curpos más rellenitos, caderas anchas y cinturas estrechas, hombros estrechos y brazos redondeados y carnosos. La piel sigue siendo muy blanca.
Nace en Reino Unido y Alemania. Se opone al clasicismo, la prioridad eran los sentimientos. La belleza se experimenta directamente, no era una belleza estética y armónica, sino cambiante. "Bello puede ser todo lo feo".
En los comienzos del siglo XX se forma el ideal de la chica Gibson, un personaje de caricatura, con estas características: pecho erguido, cadera ancha, nalgas sobresalientes. Luego nació la chica "S", con falda ajustada y peinados altos; en esta época la mujer empezaba a luchar por las desigualdades entre los hombres y las mujeres.
Tras la I Guerra Mundial, llega la mujer de cabello corto con silueta aplanada y se empieza a poner de moda el bronceado.
La mujer de los años 20 queda desfasada y vuelve lo sensual, lo femenino, el pelo rubio platino, la tez pálida, las cejas depiladas y los labios rojos.
Chicas con cabello dorado, cintura estrecha, caderas e imponente busto. Se consolida el reinado de las Pin-Ups.
Mujer rotunda y con curvas es el gran ideal de la década, las chicas buscan tener un busto explosivo, caderas redondeadas y piernas más largas.
El ideal de mujer vuelve al de los años veiente, cuerpo delgado, piernas largas, pelo corto, ojos con pestañas postizas y delineador se imponen, llega la minifalda.
Década marcada por el culto al cuerpo, las mujeres se cardan el pelo y el bronceado se impone.
Época de los excesos y la excentricidad. La moda se caracteriza por hombros XXL con hombreras, tacones altos y cintura delgada.
Mujeres atléticas con cuerpos delgados, pero no demasiado.
La belleza se convierte en un símbolo de delgadez, a menudo insana. Se hace un culto al bisturí, pero también hay otra tendencia, la de la mujer con curvas.
The women in the middle ages were inferior to men, they depended on their role and status. They were subservient to men in family. In terms of daily effort and responsabilities they were ecual to men. Most of the women didn't stay at home, they worked in fields, or workshops, run larges states and defended castles. The noble lady had an important part in running the states of her husband, she defense of the state while his absence.
The peasant women had an important role in her household, she worked hard to support her family, kept the house, cooked, washed, made clothes, milked, cared for children, sold cheese and butter, ale.
The entertainment was according to status, feats, banquets, fairs, games, sports and hunting dancing festivals. The famous woman composer in the middle ages was Hildegard of Brigen.
The catholic church was the main church in Europe during the middle ages. The church leaders were bishops, archbishops, parishes/diocese. The tought latin and the Bible.
The Inquisition wath over the purity of religious principles. The medicine in the middle ages only a few women could practice medicine in converts. The men couldn't examine a women.
martes, marzo 25, 2014
My fovourites
What are your favourite fashion items? I have two! Ihave got leggins of difernt colours. They are very coll, so i wear them all the time because they are very comfortable and you can wear them for school, for doing sport and going out with your friends. I have also got brown boots, the are very comfortable and they are in,
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